Nov 20, 2007 16:21
I don't know man...It's been three days since I last wrote for my nano...I kinda really hate it at this point. The plot in my head is still solid, but trying to just go...yeah...not so smart maybe. I think I'm gonna take a semi cheater rout and start a new "book" within this book. That way I can sort of change everything w/o really changing anything...yeah...we'll see. Haven't even broken 30,000 yet ;__;
In other news, I have completed the next chapter of LotB finally and will likely be posting it in the next day or two. My beta's comp died so I'll likely be self correcting again. eto...Oh! Today, I totally let some of my first grade kids listen to goth/punk AFI. Nothing like watching a 6 year old rock out to emo screaming. I chuckle. I'm such a great teacher ^__^
This fic "Water" I'm reading...totally stole my soul...It's like...the best thing I've read in a really long time. And I've discovered something about drawing today...can't really put it into words...but hey...looks like I managed some of those slash pieces I was bemoaning the lack of the other day. Shocked and somewhat impressed am I...especially because initial attempts were full of all kinds of lose. Now if Only I can learn to do this and have their eyes open...