Gift and stuff

Oct 18, 2007 23:33

So glass_metric says, she says "I want to see Sora in pearls." And I says to myself.."pearls? I can do pearls." So one art slump and several weeks later...I drew some pearls...maybe a little overkill, but dangit, she said pearls and I drew pearls! you go Mimi.

in other news, Lyn is arting again. Lord knows how long it will last, but I'm pleased to say that the last few drawings I've done have been decent...some actually kick ass. I'm also noticing that I have a stronger control over my stylisic choices. I'm gonna start working on disney in a bit...that should be interesting. I also want to work on different ways of drawing eyes. I'm just not overly fond of mine lately.

NaNoWriMo is...interesting. I have no clue how this story is going to turn out, but the basic layout has I just gotta pick names and personalities and stuff for about 10 characters...and create the antagonists...murrrr...

nanowrimo, art, kh

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