So Then I decided that this is a writing journal?

Feb 07, 2014 01:06

Yep. It's not like this is a surprise. LJ has been a place of fandom for me for...well, since I joined. It just so happened that all of my RL friends here were not into fandom and I was trying to put things up that they could relate to. But I don't really care anymore. I've never been good at updating things when they pertain to RL anyway.

SO! I'm gearing up for a push to being more actively creative again. That means fic and art. All of which I plan to post here for...shits and giggles? No. To hold myself accountable and document my creations. And if I happen to pick up a friend or follower or two, that would be neat. But I think the most important part is that I'm doing this for me, because I love it and I'm so lame about allowing my perceived expectations of others to dictate what I will or will not do. I mean, that's dumb.

That being said, I did finish my December story...a month and some change late. I can live with that I think. Working on a Merlin withdrawal fic, because I have this strange fascination with withdrawal symptoms, and I haven't found a fic yet that has met my needs. After that, or actually simultaneously because that's how I roll, I'll be starting work on the final installment of Emrys Rising, while also poking at the first two parts for editing.

It's also my intention to follow-up and finish some of my abandoned KH fics. I essentially have too many stories on my plate while also planning to participate in the Merlin Art Fest and sign up as an Artist for the new Merlin Big Bang...but what can I say? I'm at my best when I'm busy. So, to chart it up:

-Untitled Withdrawal Fic (finish this month)
-End of Emrys Rising (begin this month)
:Kingdom Hearts:
-Tar Monsters from Mars (finish for Halloween)
-Radically Inverted Morality
-By Proxy
-The Boy Who Broke the World

:Merlin Art Fest:
-Elf!Merlin XD
:After Camlaan:

Nice. Lots on my plate. I like it.


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