Mar 06, 2009 10:46
So never mind the previous entry -- I didn't get to the second round of that award process, though putting together the proposal was interesting and got me thinking about possibilities for making that UK connection somehow. Though I won't be able to do much about it in the near future, I think it's worth thinking about making some networking stops along the way for our next trip over there.
In the meantime, this is the craziest month ever, and I am working hard -- to not panic, to be systematic to get shit done, to keep head above water. When I feel overwhelmed, I do have to remind myself of what I've been able to accomplish in terms of getting practical details for the dissertation worked out -- this week I met with a neurologist and techs at the outpatient EEG lab at the hospital where I will probably conduct my research, and got a lot of technical information and answers for the method worked out. The people there, while busy, were so helpful and supportive, and I think it's going to be great working with them. I have to remind myself, though, that good research starts by making the time to network and relate to the people who can make or break the whole project. So it does me no good to get impatient or frazzled, even if I have to wait around at the hospital for a couple hours to meet with someone. Ugh. Just need to be prepared for those times.
But I am busting my ass to write a fellowship grant app for the NIH (dear God, _THE_ NIH?!!? Who am I to be doing such a thing?) which is due at the beginning of April for this cycle. I think my chances of getting it are slim, really, but the experience of writing it will be good prep for another major grant I'm applying for with a deadline in May. Because I really need the money to do this -- gotta pay the techs to set up the EEGs, gotta pay the doc to read the EEGS, probably have to pay for the lab materials, and I have to be able to eat! I won't have an assistantship after this semester, probably, and my future (limited) employment prospect that I was promised looks shaky enough (due to those shrinking budgets of the day) that I won't even mention it here. Health care? Mortgage payment? Daycare? Oy. Neil's new lawyer salary (and lack of reasonable premiums for benefits) isn't enough to do it all by itself, so I have to find some bucks. Wish me luck.
All this means that I probably won't be able to defend the proposal this spring, but likely August or so. Who knows if I can graduate by May of '10, but I'll just keep plugging away.
Back to it... hello, grindstone...