Jun 06, 2020 14:26

I just discovered that I must have unintentionally deleted my Friends Only message! D: So I figured I'd post a new one with all the gory details.


I'm just your average internet geek. I roll through phases/fandoms like the seasons but I never leave one behind. They hang out in the backround only to roar on through a little bit later. I am fairly certain I am both ADD and OCD. Which is probably NOT a good mixture but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm employed at a job that I love to hate and hate to love. I am not currently in school and despite what people tell me or culture suggests, I really don't want to go back. I'm a snob in that I think I'm smarter than everyone already anyway. :P I love learning. I just don't like learning amongst others, I'd rather do it alone. I'm very introverted in real life, but if you get to know me.. you probably won't be able to shut me up. I like to make fun out of the dullest of situations. I'm a friend for life. I'm generous and ultra-forgiving. I love all things creative: Art (although I can't create it, I love to admire it), Music, Graphics, Photography, and Jewelry-Making just to name a few. I love animals, plants, and nature.... except bugs. I dislike summer because humidity sucks. I love Fall, Winter and Spring. Aaaaand.. there's tons more, but I've already relayed more than enough information.

» You can add me if you want, but I won't add you back unless you comment this post.
» I am not an overly political person, however, I am a republican. BUT WAIT! I'm not one of those close-minded ones. I make up my own mind and I have no problem listening to and even sometimes understanding other opinions. My posts will NOT be littered with politics either. I'm merely warning you about this before you add me in case you ARE one of those that post about politics.
» I am a Christian. I make mistakes. I'm not perfect. I am no better than you or anyone else for that matter. I try to be like Jesus and love other people, but I am NOT Jesus, and therefore, I slip up from time to time. In my journal you will find posts about my church and Bible study AND you will see my flaws.
» You will read about my message board in nearly EVERY post I make. It has become apart of who I am and when you love something as much as I love that place you can't help but tell the world about it. Either get used to it, or join us. ;)
» I post about my fandoms. ESPECIALLY, when they consume my life. If you don't like it. Don't add me.
» I make jewelry, make graphics, and take pictures. If this bothers you, don't add me. Because I will be posting them on a fairly regular basis.
» Anything else you want to know about me. Ask me or check my userinfo!


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