got the episode three blues

Feb 10, 2010 10:05

People online be calling Dogen "Yoko" for being Japanese and hanging out with a fellow named Lennon. I APPROVE!!
-Guard dude (Aldo, or his friend?) said Rousseau had been dead for years.. did the freighter come to the island in 2004? I can't remember. Cuz if so she's been dead for 3 years and that argument is valid.. but it seemed weird.
-RousseauClaire! Pretty much the only redeeming part of this episode.
-Garage mechanic guy, if this were season 2, would have been Lapidus' brother or something. Disappointed that he didn't really seem to amount to much.
-=this episode was called WHAT KATE DOES (callback to original ep WHAT KATE DID) and apparently what she does is chase men after they say "don't follow me" and look meaningfully at her, and befriend pregnant ladies that she carjacks.
-Loved Claire giving Kate her credit card! Especially if she had an ulterior motive and meant to give cops a "trail" with which to follow... Joan Hart? Was that a Sabrina the Teenage Witch reference? Sabrina's mom played Claire's mom.. but surely that's a stretch for lost. But when every name is significant on a show I'm bound to wonder what this one means..
-So who is the husband that left crying, non-adopting lady in this bizarro timeline?
-I just realized the other day that the blonde mother on Modern Family is the woman who Jack fixed & married!
-Thank god we've finished what is probably the LAST. KATE. EPISODE. EVER!! REJOICE!!!!
-Sharper eyes than mine claim the date on Claire's sonogram is a full month after the original flight 815 - october 22, 2004. That means Locke really would have had time for his walkabout, if that date is right.
-Claire is totally going to lead Jin to Sun.. right? Did Claire find Sun's wedding ring when it was lost?
-Ethan & Kate & Claire & Aaron reunion was pretty lulzy
-Blah. Fuck Kate episodes. Just sayin'.
-Sawyer was going to propose AWWWW. Liked his little time capsule. Thought it was going to contain Juliet's panties.
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