if you say run, I'll run with you

Nov 02, 2009 15:24

Christ. I've been growing my finger nails for a while, with a few setbacks, but last night I chewed them all to hell and it hurts to type today. Booo. I am awesome at creating my own problems!

Not awesome: Land of the Lost. We rented it last night, absolutely terrible. TERRIBLE. Will Ferrell has come a long way from Anchorman and Old School, two of my favourite movies!

Friday night, I ended up going out for several post-haircut drinks with amandafantastic. We had a great time, found the last table in the back of the Press Club(?), got our girl talk on, got our red wine on, got our feeling-hot-in-our-new-'dos on. Amanda's friend Amelia Earheart stopped by with her badass pilot's cap and goggles. I chatted with a Gladiator on the street, saw Little Red Riding Hood and her fake Grandmother, the Wolf. I think I saw Alex from A Clockwork Orange, or at least a droog. On the way home I lost my cool lotus flower lighter, so had to stop on my way home to ask smokers outside the Dakota Tavern for a light - and Hunter S. Thompson lit my cigarette for me! Then I got all nervous about walking home from Oakwood and tweeted my whereabouts so that my body would be found quickly if I were killed. Then my phone died so I couldn't tweet that I got home? Haha.

I woke up with a pretty bad hangover on Hallowe'en. I'd intended to get up early and clean but there was no getting out of bed til 10:30. It was a productive day though, Jem took me to the grocery store (we usually go on Sundays) then I came home and cleaned like my life depended on it. Threw a bunch of spiderwebs on the trees in front of my house. I took off my glasses around 2pm so that my eyes would adjust, because I couldn't swing a convincing Marilyn Monroe with them on. It made giving out candy challenging, I couldn't see the costumes well! In my neighbourhood there were roughly 20-30 trick or treaters, not too many good costumes sadly. A very cute pair of toddlers dressed as a bunny and a kangaroo were the highlight. There was also a girl who was "a Koodoo girl," which I didn't understand without my glasses on but later in the night realized she was referring to the ad campaign for the phone company, with all the people dressed in neon track clothes, with headbands and such. Funnily enough, one of my friends had a hand in designing that ad campaign, I failed him!

My friends turned it out pretty cleverly: Andrew as zombie JFK, with the bullet holes and the suit, applebite was a fantastic Dolly Parton, circe38 was a contestant from Top Model & her husband was Jay Manuel, jihad4dummies showed up as Bill from True Blood (red shirt & black wig looked across the room to my blurry eyes to be a Paul McCartney costume, heh) and his wife was a beautiful Sookie Stackhouse in the waitress uniform - good job guys! Lily was a schoolgirl, which was strange because she's always talking about how much she loves Halloween so I thought she'd have a crazy-creative costume? Boo. Katie was a 1950's vampire, her fiancee was a Toronto Maple Leafs fan with a bag over his head that said "GO LEAFS GO," and our friend Peter was I think a character from Call of Duty? I thought it looked pretty good but still don't remember what video game character he was. Alex showed up late in the night as Fat Elvis. I'd had enough jello shots by that point that I have no less then 10 pictures on my phone of myself in my Marilyn dress with the Elvis wig on. Disturbing.

Lisa slept over and the next day we rearranged the living room. I was inspired by the amount of space that opened up in the room when I moved the couch the night before for the party - my goal was to create a dance floor, which worked well - I moved the couch so that it runs along two walls, and switched the TV stand corner with the bookshelf corner. Very fun! Lisa is such a champ, it would've taken me 2-3 hours longer to do by myself. Team Brain!

I've been working 4 day work weeks for such a long time (every other week if not more since August), as well as a few six day weeks, staring the entire week down without a break on Monday morning is depressing. I got spoiled. I even had a dentist appointment so I didn't start til noon today and I am already done with this week. I have to figure out a way to like my job again. I have so much vacation time & seniority it seems a waste to leave unless it's to Start A Career.. blah. I am never going to make it to university.. I wish I'd been a trust fund kid like all the assholes I went to school with (one of my high school friends dropped out of University of Toronto when she got offered a job a month before she graduated, the fuck?) so I could just have that part all over and done with.

I want to focus on planning the wedding next year and planning my baby names the year after! One of my friends is pregnant and I am so excited, pity is she lives in Burlington so I won't get to be a huge part of the little one's life. But I realized I'll be 28 when I get married and fertility chances decline the older you get, I have done enough damage to my body vis-a-vis smoking and drinking, best to hurry up and have a baby or two while I am still young and hip (go ahead, ask my teenage siblings, I'm REALLY cool and in touch with today's youth culture cough).

Oh and my birthday is coming up. 27 baby, the age that kills rock stars. The last couple years I stressed myself out trying to throw a party and I got all emo about not planning one this year (maybe hoping my fiancee would plan a surprise one? Hehe) and then I realized it was the last time I'd have a Saturday birthday in my 20s and I decided to go with it. So.. Clinton's, Shake a Tail, November 14th, I'll be the tall redhead.

Part of my apathy is that I always seem to know someone who doesn't really like me who has a birthday very close to mine, who steals my friends! In grade school it was Sifton, whose birthday party I would go to but she invariably started a fight with me every year in the ten days between her birthday and mine, and then she wouldn't show up to my party AND spread rumours about me to other friends!! Bitch.

My only cousin on my Dad's side of the family - the "baby" my Grandmother and aunt love so dearly - was born the day before my birthday, five years later, so I always have to share family dinners with him - not quite so bad but he HAD to be born the day before, so even though I am older he gets the attention?

Then when I lived at Jane & Bloor, Laura's birthday was a few days before mine and she was one of the trust fund kind, whose parents would do outlandish things like rent out a hall & stock it with $1 bottles of beer and live bands and shit like that. My pocketbook could not compete with hers. Nowadays, Jenn is a friend from Andrew's circle, and her birthday is I believe the day after mine. A few years back I suggested we throw a joint birthday, she said she wasn't going to plan anything, and then a few days before my party she threw together a dinner that stole away all the females from the Brampton crew that I'd invited, pfft. My friend Susan quite sweetly messaged me this year telling me Jenn had invited her to something on the night of my birthday and asking if I was going to do something, which started me thinking and lead me to decide "if you can't beat em, dance." So. Put on your red shoes and dance the blues.. let's swing!

it's mah birthday!!!!, hallowe'en

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