Jan 18, 2009 15:01
I was getting really good about posting in December. This month, not so much.
2009 has been kind of a mixed bag so far. I mean seriously it's only been two weeks or something, but I've been hitting some highs and lows lately. Mostly just in between blahs but then I get extremely moody. I have wanted to quit my job like 100 times a week and then suddenly I like it again so that's an idea of how all over the place I've been.
My life has gotten messier, if that was possible... boxes and laundry baskets and clothes and clutter, oh my! I do feel like my life right now can be described as messy--whether it gets shifted, accumulates or temporarily decreases, it's always there. And I don't know WTF I'm supposed to do with all of it... it never goes away. And I get the feeling it's all about willpower but I'm fresh out of motivation. So that's special.
The good news is that I think most of the applications and supplemental materials that I submitted were received. U of Michigan maybe not, but 15/16 is not too shabby in my opinion. And they haven't said either way so maybe they all got in and will be considered. Now the waiting starts. Which is made harder by the fact that want to go to Spain and visit my friend Kara, but I don't want to go until I know about grad school. Because I might have to visit schools I get into, making a trip to Europe completely unfeasible. On the other hand, if I don't get in anywhere I won't much feel like going on a trip, especially if she gets into lots of schools and wants to celebrate. I'll have to be starting applications all over again, this time possibly for MA programs... SIGH. I want to believe the best will happen, but you have to prepare for the worst and it kind of bums me out prematurely.
Life is much harder once you hit 23, haha.
grad school