I was upset that Daniel was kicked off instead of Santino. Santino is such a little baby, throwing tantrums and sulking when he doesn't win or get his way. And his outfits were hideous! And then he went and blamed Emmett, it's like sorry dude but you were the one who designed these pieces of shit.
But if Daniel F. had to go, I'm glad it was this way because it was very classy and endearing. I loved Tim telling Daniel F. that he really respected him for taking responsibility for his design, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THAT GIT SANTINO!!! Yeah Santino you can go and die now. You are still on the show for one reason: the producers get input on who stays and who goes, and they want you around because you are bat shit insane. And possibly a reincarnation of Rasputin.
Still love Nick and Chloe. Zulema and Kara didn't annoy me as much as they usually do... some of Kara's comments were rather funny, especially in her accent :P.
I am very very nauseated from the amount of popcorn I consumed at the movie theatre. Good while it lasted, but coconut oil is DEFINITELY not a good idea for people such sans gallbladder like yours truly. Blech. Time for bed to sleep this off :-X.