Do you want to know what really gets my goat?
FAN GIRLS. Yeah, yeah, a pretty obvious target, but come on, enough is enough! Is it some sort of unwritten rule that fan girls have to make up totally implausible pairings and vehemently detest canon 'ships? Sometimes it just makes me want to flame these people, if only to knock some sense into them!!!
Fangirls in the "Lost" fandom? Say it isn't so! I seriously thought that maybe, just maybe, this fandom had escaped the total infiltration by fangirls, but now I realize I was wrong. And how did I realize this?
Sawyer/Claire. W. T. F. They have never even spoken together, that I know of, at least nothing substantive. And although yes it was cute that Aaron responded to his voice, COME ON, people. I mean the entire idea isn't completely impossible, but without anything to hang their hat on how can there really be a shipping community for a pairing that doesn't freaking exist???
Rabid teenage semi-literate delusional girls should be kept AWAY from the internet, or at least my fandoms. Why can't they attach themselves to things that actually appreciate their kind of inane input, like I don't know Teen Nick shows or something? Because so far I've seen so many really great fandoms being ruined by people who don't have any sort of appreciation for the movie/tv show/etc. except that there are HAWT GUYZ OMGZ!!11!! One reason why my lurve for Master & Commander went into hiding: getting e-mails from members of my fanlists for Peter and Peter/Will addressing me as if I were the actors (or even the characters, omg) in shamelessly fangirl language. GRRRR!!!!
I've been reading lots of "Lost" information, etc. just to try and find cool things to tell my mom, who is obsessed with "Lost" as you may know, and I've stumbled across a few spoilers that rather disturb and worry me, and some that make me happy... I guess I'll just have to wait and see, but it's so hard! Every week is like an eternity.
I'm enjoying my time at home. My dad is alternating between annoying and oddly enthusiastic... he gave me a high five at dinner for making fun of my mom, haha. Wow, so many things wrong with that sentence, it just screams family therapy, doesn't it? The best part about being at home is of course my beautiful puppies, who I adore more than anything else on this earth. It's a bit unhealthy, really.
I promised myself I would read and catch up for my classes, but I'd rather veg. Go figure :P. Oliver Twist tomorrow, Lady Audley's Secret tonight. Excellent :).