
Sep 01, 2009 20:42

I spent 2 and a half hours making dinner tonight :)
A really lovely roast which I really enjoyed, the leeks in the cheese sauce...amazing! haha.

Was worth it, then spent an hour and a half eating it with granddad and watching cop programmes. I love my granddad, always telling me facts and stories :) I have been trying to spend more time with my family recently, being at Ree's house and seeing how they all talk and things, and sit around...I hardly ever do this with mine. My brother and dad usually watch television together in the evenings and spend most time downstairs, and me on the other hand sits upstairs because I like to watch different things, write, and listen to music...which I can't really do downstairs.
They also have different dinner's to me at a later time, so I rarely sit and eat with them at dinner..

I would like all four of us to have one meal a week together, but the only time we ever do this is once a year at christmas...which is a shame.
I might try and get everyone together in a weeks time, cook dinner for them all, bake a cake or something.

Also, another thing my granddad mentioned this evening was how he would love to go to somewhere like in Texas with the old saloons, places that haven't changed from yearss and years ago...a bit of history. But Texas is so far away, so I might look into somewhere closer where I can take my granddad in a years time...maybe next summer, and hopefully dad and brother can come along too.

I might get him this plate I came across the other day in a shop in town, blacksmith one, he would love it, he has a similar plate but also today he mentioned he had broken his similar one, so this could replace it :)

The house is slowly getting clearer and things, my dad doesn't have much time to do it recently because he is so busy with his business, so I am trying to help him out a little...tomorrow I am going to go through all my photographs and print 4 of my favourites for the stair way wall...currently the frames have printed paintings in them from years ago, and I would much prefer something brighter, the sea, a flower, our dog, and eventually before I go back to bournemouth a family portrait, which would be lovely to have.

Time for more tea, more blogging, film watching and things. have a nice evening everyone :)

cleaning, family, closeness, meals, printing, photography

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