May 06, 2005 16:05
performance production work in. self eval and time sheet, signed by the meg fox of mighty bitchyland.
mother's day stuff ready to be mailed.
kines,ballet,theatre history,yoga, tap, all done.... 7 pages less that 5 hours with references, graded as an A! that's right.
info to karen mullen so that she can send my letter that will get me credit for gyrotonics.
info from hallie for workstudy $$$ for my last stint of musica vitae.
going away party done.
suffciently pissed off my roommate, my mother, and my father by having an out-going voice messgae saying, "hi this is britt, leave a message, and i don't give a shit about your fucking spoons either." spoken by ezra. of yes, my friends, it is a good life.
said good bye to a million people.
did final showings.
tasted tai ren's amazing burriotos of love.