Sep 23, 2005 16:33
Welp once again my boyfriend is bein a complete DICK and i dont kno what his problem is.......
Ok so everyone is telling me " All bo wants is sex" and "Bo is just using you" and i cant stand it and i dont know what to believe Why do i get so upset when i hear all of this... Is it because i kno its true or beacause i have feeling for the kid..... Like i really wanna be with him and i love him dont get me wrong but he is a complete dick to me sometimes... and i dont kno where this is goin..... Like yesterday he was at the High School and he totally ignored me and was talking to all this people besides me!!! And like last night i called tim and asked him (made him promiss me) that he would have Bo call me so i caould figure things out.... well i didnt get a phone call..... Go FIGURE! SO me being me calls tim and no some random girl that i dont kno whi it was answers and tells me Bo's not there, but if you think about it Bo is always with Tim and Tim was with this girl... and it was 9 o'clock at night so where would bo be without tim bc tim is his ride to every where and everything ya kno... so this morning i call tim to wake him up because he takes me to school and guess what his phone is DISCONNECTED!!!! so i had to ride the bus and now i really have no way to get a hold of Bo!! Is it me that always messes up the realtionships?? or is it the guys??? i jus dont understand why i cant stay in a realationship for a descent amount of time.... what am i doing wrong??? in my eyes nothing... I have not done anyhting wrong to this kid.. i broke up with Andrew for him.... ya kno.... and one night i called and asked Tim if Bo still talked to Brooke (his ex) and Bo calls me and totally flips on me like "why cant u ask me that" and blag blah blah right so he totally thinks i dont trust him and i do bc he hasnt have me a reason not to believe him, its the girls i dont trust around him... and i guess he wants to beat Nathan's ass (which he wont) bc Nathan talks to me... but you kno what i dont flip out and wanna beat up girls he talks to.... so what am i supposed to do??? i wanna be with him.... but then again he doesnt really wanna show that he wants to be with me in "public" but when we are alone he is a total different person.. totally sweet and tells me things that no one thought bo would ever say..
well im gonna go think things out
amber L