Jan 16, 2008 23:46
what a strange strange day! we had a gun debate in my advanced writing class and, obviously, i was on the pro side for making them illegal. so the debate was going fine fine fine. everyone got a bit worked up but it was just fine. then i make the point that if there were less guns in households, there would be less of a chance of kids finding them, playing with them, and killing themselves.
this crazy girls says: i don't care if other kids get killed, i only care about my own. only liberals care about stuff like that.
i asked her then, so you don't care if kids die?
i'm not even joking about this. call me a liberal then... keep the kids alive!
what kind of psycho doesn't care if a child shoots himself???
AND... what does being a liberal have to do with caring about other people? it's really good people have these kinds of thoughts... that'll help the world by being so incredibly egocentric to the point where it's twisted!