
Oct 11, 2013 18:04

It's the most wonderful time of the year and I'm super excited to do some vidding! I hope you are too :) The good news is, I'm pretty easy to please - that is, all my requested fandoms are things I would LOVE to see vids for, so chances are as long as you heed at least one of my requests you'll be good. But I'll probably just be happy no matter what because EHRMAHGERD SOMEONE IS VIDDING THIS THING I LOVE THAT NO ONE EVER VIDS! KEYSMASH!

I'm also pretty open as far as music goes. I have a decently varied taste, and one of the things I love about vidding is that there's a song for everything - whether it fits the source material, the theme, or whether it's a full-on crack!vid. I trust you to use your judgement, and although I've listed some general guidelines of what I'd LIKE to see, I certainly won't be opposed to you finding something different that you think really fits when it comes down to putting everything together. YOU'RE the vidder in charge, you make the call!

Other random things I'll throw out there, which don't necessarily need to be taken into account but which might help when you're deciding how/what to vid for me:
  • I have a huge lady bias. Like, a huge huge lady bias. Ladies kicking ass and taking names, emotional journeys, basically I just love all the women. I mean, there are a few exceptions to this rule but overall, I just really love a ladies focus.
  • I'm a fan of subtlety - faces are nice, and obviously important, but I love vids that focus on hand/feet/arms/etc.
  • Imagery/lyrical interpretation makes me happy.

And finally, requests!


Peggy Carter is a BAMF. I'm a bit (okay, a lot) of a Marvel stan, but I'm also a pretty big Marvel ladies stan, so basically this entire short was heaven for me. I know that there isn't a huge amount of source material to work with, but I'd love for you to try to draw out a lot of Peggy's emotions post-war - how she's really dealing with the loss of Steve and moving on but being strong enough get through it (PEGGY KICKING ASS IS MY FAVORITE THING.) Make Hayley Atwell shine!


This is one of my favorite movies for a lot of reasons but to be honest, I just love Robert Downey Jr's face. A lot. So I'd ask for the main focus to be on his character, even if that might sound obvious. I'll probably be super happy with whatever direction you decide to take, whether it's cracky (because let's face it, the movie itself is awesomely insane and a bit cracky) or action filled or serious.


The Americans quickly became one of my favorite shows last year, and as such, I've desperately been waiting for someone to vid it because it's so gorgeous and layered both in character and camera work. I definitely want a vid that focuses on either the Elizabeth/Phillip relationship, or just on Elizabeth's journey, because I find her character fascinating. As for a song, my first instinct would be something softer, maybe indie band-ish? But that all depends on where you want to go with it.


I really have no qualms about loving this movie for Jeremy Renner's arms and the general awesomeness of the Hansel/Gretel relationship, so I'd ask you to focus on that. Otherwise, feel free to totally have fun with this, music and all!


Favorite relationship: Norma & Dylan. Favorite character: Norma. Vera Farmiga is a treasure of facial expressions and acting choices, so here's where my lady love comes in handy. But if you could weave Norma's narrative into the larger picture of the show, specifically her relationship with her kids, that would be super awesome.


One of the things I love most about this film (aside from Sofia Coppola's directing) is its quiet beauty. There are so many beautiful shots and I'd love you to capture sort of an ethereal vibe with a focus on Bob and Charlotte's relationship, really bringing out the connection between them and how it plays into the bigger picture of the film's theme of loneliness and culture shock. (Also, fair warning I love Scarlett Johansson so...take that as you will.)


Okay, honestly? There is no way to explain how to vid the wonder that is Lena Headey. So this one is all up to you.

Happy vidding! <3

festivids, vids

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