Jul 20, 2005 10:39
I'm not eactly sure what this entry is for. I just want to say that God is amazing and I have no idea what is going on in my life. It's just this big,crazy,beautiful circle. I keep on rounding corners and expecting to run into walls but the road keeps going. Right now I have to be patient because I've come to a red light. In morning mass today the gospel was again the story about planting the seeds in different kinds of soil( I've heard this one like 5 times in a week and it finally sunk in)So I finally got it and the homily was all about how we can plant seeds in peoples hearts ,but we have to be patient because it takes awhile for the seeds to take root and grow...so it all comes back to PATIENCE AGAIN.Thank God I am so at peace or I wouldn't be able to deal with the waiting, waiting, waiting. The doubt is starting to seep in and that scares me and I don't want to be afraid anymore! Why do I always have to be the only one who believes in miracles, hopes against hope, prays against the world? I was directly quoted by my mother today as being "delusional" & "stubborn" & "Blind"...she actually placed a bet on this one which cracks me up in a really sad kind of way...I just want to be right for once. Anyway..time will tell...hahahah
I'll be back someday...don't miss me to much while I'm gone finding happiness finding me !