Updates? I'm just boring!

Aug 06, 2002 20:30

So what's been happening recently, I hear you ask. Don't I? Oh. Well, maybe no-one's reading this anyway. Good! I can talk about them all behind their back. =;)

I was very glad to hear about Salem getting better. He's still in the ICU, but he's awake and chatting with folks. Work's being fairly icky at the moment. We lost two out of our group of four last week in a RIF (Reduction In Force). Fortunately, I wasn't one of them, but the amount of work will still remain the same.

Last Sunday, I went to see Signs at the cinema. Now, I really started getting into it. It was clever, funny, made you think if you wanted to follow what was going on, and then about 2/3 of the way through just seem to lose it all. I know a lot of other people liked it, and for the most part, so did I. The ending was clever too, but the pacing of it just dragged most horribly. I don't want to give anything away about the plot, though. It's not the film you're expecting to see. Not quite as 'different' as Fight Club, but still an nice twist. I'd give it an 8/10. It would have been a 9.5 apart from the complete lack of direction near the end.

Other things. Hmm. SpinDizzy, the muck that I admin, has seen quite an increase in population recently. It's even outgrown FurToonia on occasions! Wow! But the influx of people has made admin'ing the thing quite a chore every now and then.

I've been tired a lot recently. I'm not sure whether it's not being careful enough about going to be late, or just some low-grade cold or something, but it's starting to really get on my nerves. I'm determined to get to bed early for the next few days and see if it helps. I suppose taking vitamins and minerals more regularly couldn't hurt either, although I doubt I've got a bad diet.

Anyway, that should do for a while. =:) I want to go flying again soon, but first of all I want to feel less tired. Trying to land a plane while you're tired, stressed, and in a wind, isn't such a good combination. =;)

Bye for now!
