
Jun 16, 2004 10:39

Yes, I know I don't post here anywhere near often enough. And when I do it always seems to be for something sad. This time is unfortunately know exception. My apologies in advance to those who did not know of this news. Here is a copy of the message that we've posted on SpinDizzy.

Dear friends

You are invited to attend a memorial for Butterfluff, one of the
most well-loved of our community, whose player sadly died in
hospital on Saturday.

The memorial will begin at 6pm Muck time, on Wednesday 23rd June,
and will be held in Memorial Plaza (luge N1 W1), on SpinDizzy.

The program will include a formal remembrance of Butterfluff from
those who knew hir, followed by the unveiling of a permanent
memorial to the muck's favourite Fluff, and finishing with light
refreshments and time for everone to share their own feelings
about what Butterfluff meant to them in a more informal atmosphere.

We will be inviting people from off-muck to attend the memorial,
including some of Butterfluff's real-life friends. It's wonderful
to know how many people the Fluff has touched.

We would like to encourage all those who wish to give a speech
during the formal part of the ceremonies to contact either Firewind
or Findra so that we can add them to the program. Anyone may
attend, and choose to share their memories during either the formal
or informal part. The formal part is there to allow people to
prepare what they want to say ahead of time, and let people listen
without any distractions. The informal part allows for more
open-form conversations to take place.

Please RSVP to either Findra or Firewind if you will be attending,
and indicate if you'd like to give a formal speech. There are a
limited number of guest connections, so please try to request a
character from one of the wizards beforehand.

Server location: muck.spindizzy.org port 7072
Muck location: Memorial Plaza (luge N1 W1)
Time: 6pm Pacific (1am GMT, 9pm EDT, 8pm CDT)

--Findra and Firewind