*grumble* OK, OK. Here's some more

Jan 01, 2003 22:18

I went back to England over Christmas. It's the first time I've been back there for almost four years, and I'd got quite a bit of catching up to do. It turns out I'm now Auntie Findra to two little sprogs - Ben and Bethan - so I thought it was about time I showed my face. Oh, and Patch's face too. (Patch - sheepdog puppet from Pawpets West http://ppw.pawpet.org/)

It was raining when I arrived. Actually, it was raining when I left. And you know, now that I think about it, it rained every single bloody day I was there! For a week! It wasn't so bad. I did miss being able to get up and it to be light already, though. I also discovered that melatonin helps with jetlag quite a good deal! But don't take 60mg of it at once! I did that after getting back, and then woke up 14 hours later. At 12:30pm. When I should have been in work at around 9:30. Oops!

Overall things went well. It was very much like the old Christmases that I remember as a kid, because ... well ... there were two kids around, lots of 'Mummy can I,' and lots of crying when the answer was 'no'. Although it was strange to hear my aunt and uncle called Grandma and Grandad.

Oh, and Ben loved Patch. I talked to him using Patch, but I wasn't watching either of them. He thought Patch was real. For the entire two days that I was there. I liked that. :) But I kept having to hide Patch in the cupboard to get a break. He wouldn't touch him, though, even when he was out. My cousin David convinced Ben that Patch had bitten his arm off by hiding it in his shirt. ;) Good old David! The only time Bed touched Patch was when he was 'asleep' on the bed.

So what else happened? Hmm. Not too much, really. I'm almost back to normal. However you'd like to rate normal, I suppose. I want to take my Instrument rating written test for flying sometime soon. I need to put in some effort to that. Oh, and I really need to find out what I need to get a green card before it's too late.