(no subject)

Dec 23, 2006 11:43

Title: For You {Medium}


Warnings: Erm, Megan is playing an instrument! LE GASP!

Megan knew how to play exactly one instrument. She didn't ever actually tell anyone that she could play, Ai-kun just let it slip. It wasn't even like she played it very well, in her opinion. I mean, there were thousands of koto* players that played millions of times better than her!

... Right?

According to Ai-kun, that apparently was not true. She, apparently, was the only person on campus who could play the koto. Megan was also probably one of the most talented players, considering that she sometimes composed music too.

It didn't matter, she still refused to play for anyone. After they found out, she actually booked the soundproof music room to practice. It also had nice, heavy, wooden doors that bolted shut. For hours at a time she'd drown herself in music and various people would stand outside, trying to catch a little of her playing. It didn't really help that she played at strange hours of the day, ranging from 2AM to 12 at night.

It had been going on for years it seemed, by the time George heard of it. Leila-mei had been rambling about how she never offered to play for anyone and she also kept her koto locked in a special closet of the music room. No one ever touched it but her. So he asked her about it once, over breakfast.

“Megan, is it true you play an instrument?”
“And if I do?”
“Well, I wouldn't mind hearing about it.”
“It's not anything interesting. I'm not even very good.”
“Anything that you say you're not good at is usually one of your talents.”
“... I could... Play for you- if you'd like, that is!”
“... What?”
“If you're willing, I'm ready to listen.”

Word travels fast in a socially starved school. Everyone knows everyone's business. So it didn't take long for someone to over hear that Megan actually offered to play for someone. Especially since that someone was not Ai-kun (whom she played for once in a blue moon). When the day came that Megan slipped into the music room with George, the whole school was practically there. It was slightly unnerving, even if they couldn't hear her.

She seated herself and played a rudimentary warm-up exercise, fixing the tuning a little as she went along. It was only a simple exercise, but from it George could tell that Ai-kun really hadn't been lying when he said she was talented. Once she was finished, she cleared her throat and her normal voice abandoned her throat, being replaced by a clear, melodious singing voice.

“Tinsaguu nu hana, ya. Chimi sa chi ni sumiti.*
Uya nu yuushi gutu ya. Chimu ni sumiri.

Ti'n nu furibushi ya. Yumiba yumarishi ga.
Uya nu yuushi gutu ya. Yuminu naran.

Yuru harasu funi ya. Ninu fwa bushi mi ati.
Wanna cheru uya ya. Wandu mi ati.

Takara dama yatin. Migaka ni sabisu.
Asayu chimu migachi. Uchiyu watara.

Makutu suru hito ya. Atu ya ichi madi'n.
Umu kutu'n kanati. Chiyu nu sakai.
Nashiba nani gutu'n. Nayuru gutu yashi ga.
Nasanu yui karadu. Naranu sadami ..."

George sat and listened in awe, watching her fingers float over the strings with ease and was simply mesmerized by the way the song was burned into her memory. She wasn't even looking at the strings, her eyes were closed and a slight smile graced her lips. When she finished, it was as if reality gave him a nice, big slap in the face.

Megan just gave him this very small smile and put her koto away. After she finished, she extended her hand to him.

“Shall we go?”

*koto: a generally 13-stringed instrument common in Asian countries. Very long and plays very melodious music you can drown yourself in... Also godawfully boring sometimes. But just certain songs, it seems. The song she plays is a traditional Okinawan folk song called Tinsaguu nu Hana. Written for 30_originals.

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