Drabbles are like crack medicine!

Jul 26, 2006 22:35

Title: Heat makes Nosebleeds {Drabble}


Warnings: Scantily clad Megan, nosebleeds, slight perversion if you squint?

George came to a brilliant conclusion when he saw how heat affected Megan's wardrobe that first summer: heat makes nosebleeds. It wasn't like her wardrobe wasn't scanty already, with her preference of shorts and tank tops, but heat made it... At the moment, Megan was wearing a bathing suit. A scanty, tiny, bikini top with boy shorts that was not made for water.

It was alluring. He was going to murder whoever invented heat if this is what happened to Megan's wardrobe. The teacher's didn't seem to care that Megan wore pretty much just underclothes.

“George... Your nose is bleeding.”

Title: Monkey eats Paint {Drabble}


Warnings: I don't own E-bay and Megan steal sheets.

She had finally done it. The pale green sheet were nowhere to be found and were probably for sale on E-bay by now. He didn't want to think about where they had gone. He didn't want to think about the long, rambly note written on the wall in neon pink nail polish either. Or why it had the word “monkey” in it 17 times. There was probably some hidden meaning to it. Or maybe it really was just a anagram for “a Yankee mint top”. He didn't want to know why she wrote the note on the wall either.

Title: On a Desk {Drabble}


Warnings: Megan sleeping in a strange place.

George was slightly amused that Megan wasn't anywhere to be found. Ai-kun was worrying himself silly and Matt was trying to remember exactly where she had said she'd be earlier.

“I think she said something about a desk...?”

Ai-kun looked at Matt with a look meaning “what?” and George though about it for a second. It was Kura who came up with the answer though. It was a sudden revelation.

“She's in the chemistry hall, probably sleeping on the partner desks again...”
Ai-kun was looking a little crazed, “Where? Doing what on a what?”

Somewhere, Megan yawned.

( A serving of crack with your crack?)

drabble, crack, fluff, omake

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