Oh! How Megan&George met!! Yahoo!

Jul 20, 2006 15:19

Title: Meeting//Hajimete Series, 2 of 4 {Short}


Warnings: A completely infatuated young Megan.

“If I hadn't done that double-back flip off the ground yesterday and flipped over a teacher to get to sixth hour...”

I cursed the teacher silently and ran down the empty hall. The teacher had taken away my teleportation privileges for a entire school day, so I was left to run around the building trying to get to class within a minute. No one is ever in the halls, so I enhanced my running abilities and skidded a lot. It was really my fault for not watching and being careless.

I hit him at full speed and we both smacked into the floor. At that point, my head was throbbing from impact with his rock-hard abs and his must have been throbbing from impact with the rock-hard tile. It was painful, so I was not expecting the world to spin when I got up. It made me really dizzy and I fell down again. Except this time, he caught me.

“I'm really sorry, are you okay.... Um... George-kun*?”

When I looked up I did not expect a tall European with sexy, tousled black hair. I certainly did not expect eyes of a brilliant emerald, ones that threatened to swallow me whole. His eyes were surprised at me and they oozed sexy. Especially when he opened his mouth and a low, silky voice spewed forth.

“I wouldn't be too worried about me when you seem to be the one with a large bruise on your forehead. Would you like to see the nurse?”

As I shook my head, I held a hand up to my forehead and touched. It wasn't a bad bruise, so I kissed my fingers and touched it again. He looked a little surprised, but I smiled. It was a fairly common healing spell after all. Or so I thought it was. I'm not always the best person to ask for that sort of thing.

“You wouldn't happen to be that young firecracker of the drama set, would you? The one that everyone seems to call something different and always seems to be falling down*.”
I blinked, “Maybe, George-kun. You might be referring to my friend, Clariss*.”
He thought, “No... It's you. You played Romeo* in last semester's rendition of Romeo and Juliet. Funny, I assumed you'd be male.”
I smiled, “A good actress can play any part. Especially when she's the only one who knows Romeo's lines, ignoring the fact that she knows Juliet's lines too. Are you a drama set member? Wait, you played... You played Lord Capulet, didn't you... George-kun?”

He nodded. A teacher once again ruined my day by yelling at me to get to class, so I parted with a sudden urge to know that boy better. I'd ask Ai-kun about it later, for now... For now I needed to be in class.

* She makes up the name on the spot, that's why there's a pause. &Megan was always running into people backstage when she was young(er), that's probably what he's referring to. Clariss is 2 years older than Megan, and she played the nurse. Megan played Romeo, because her hair was illusioned very short at the time in a boyish manner and she was practically the only one who knew all of Romeo's lines.

fluff, short, hajimete, perspective

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