Just what does "no showers" mean?!

Jul 11, 2006 22:00

Title: No Showers {Drabble}


Warnings: None. Except for extreme confusement, because only me and the Core know what "no showers" means. =3

Megan couldn't concentrate. Matt simply told her she was using the wrong colours, that wasn't the problem. The problem was dictation.

“Megan, the base is white. Then that strawberry is cover and liner is black.*”

So Megan wallowed in self-pity for not even being able to use the correct colours and Matt slipped off to find George. When they both returned, George stood in the doorway and sighed.

“Either you let me do your makeup and stop wallowing or no showers for a week, Megan.”

Lysander turned to Matt, “No... Showers?”
Matt shook his head, “You don't wanna know.”

* He's talking about her eye makeup. Base is the colour that goes on first, up to the eyebrows and cover is the one that goes on the eyelid. Megan usually doesn't use (eye)liner, but for this particular look she needed it. It's usually either black or white. On occasion, Megan has been known to use a berry-coloured one... But then someone always yells at her and she yells back because no one ever sees her liner anyways.

drabble, null, snapshot

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