god dammit TWOP...

Mar 26, 2011 00:15

Whoever linked me to the Television Without Pity Forums? You're going straight to hell. I've spent an hour reading old Buffy fanning from 2004...though I have come across some serious gems.

Such as:
Lines you'll never hear on Buffy:

GILES: So, did anyone catch Survivor last night?

SPIKE: Um, guys. Let's not do this. This is too dangerous.

XANDER: I always thought Angel and Buffy should have gotten together.

THE GANG: Oh my God! They killed Buffy! Bastards!

BUFFY: Angel blows. I mean, what's the deal with his face. It never moves. Always with the same expression.

WESLEY: What up, G Dawg!
GILES: Wyn P in da haaaaaws!

BUFFY: Come on Dawn! We're gonna be late for church!

HARMONY: Think of it mathematically. If you factor x as pi the equation practically solves itself.

ANYONE: I love you, Dad!

Also, I was reading one board about the little things you notice after obsessive rewatchings and the one that I found the most hilarious was that apparently Spike has an LP of "The Wiz" soundtrack in his crypt (in As You Were). Color me tickled pink.

Someone else said: "I just watched 3x04 Beauty and the Beasts, and I noticed that when Buffy and Willow talk to Debbie in the locker room, there's a poster on the left saying MOST GIRLS AREN'T ATTRACTED TO DEAD GUYS." I lol'd.

Reading some of this stuff is making me rage, though, and also want to rewatch the whole damn series which I so don't have the spare time for right now...(maybe May).

That reminds me, YOU GUYS, a year ago this week was when I watched Welcome to the Hellmouth for the first time! In a tent cabin in Yosemite with Riley and Thea under fifty pounds of blankets because it was below freezing! Good fuckin' times...aww.

...why is it that these types of posts always happen late at night? Speaking of which, does anybody remember that post I did a while ago about the logistics of the Smashed sex scene? It has an ETA due to conversations that were had at my Dr. Horrible/OMWF party a couple weeks ago, check it out (especially you scai!)

Bedtime. Now.

buffy, obsessed, btvs, squee, lol

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