May 22, 2022 14:43
Dear Shen Yun,
• I took my mother, Yeuh Yeh Huang Cupples-Evans to go see Shen Yun years ago. She said it was a most beautiful show. I write to you from the depths of great and flowing grief. My mother was murdered in Manhattan Beach, CA.
• She was a brilliant mind, she came from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, by herself as a teenager, graduated from the University of Southern California, and became an aerospace engineer for Howard Hughes and TRW, working on the Galileo Project which sent a satellite around Mars.
• She was a very private person, I don't think she was around good people before she passed away (I was in Europe and New York at the time). Whoever she was around made a mistake on her death certificate, saying she was only a High School graduate. While in New York, a Cancer Specialist Dr. Lederman who I worked for temporarily on the journey of completing my own artistic masterpiece, "The Paradise Project," told me, "Your mother was too smart, we had to knock her down.." His son also went to USC, I don't know what that was about. DJ Jeff Duran is the one who says the murderer was a man [his friendship has since been discontinued because he would not share his information (if he even had any) with the police].
• I'm still investigating her murder while trying to gain guardianship of my younger siblings who are ward of the court from the untimely death of my mother and stepfather Dr. Daniel D. Evans.
• My mother cared for, adopted, and took guardianship of 10 children, which also includes handicapped children. She also was the principal of a Chinese school she set up so that I could learn Mandarin. She was the best Mom I could ever have.
• I pray for her justice. I pray you will pray with me and help me anyway that you can. I pray that you will pray with me. The Huang is the first heavenly dynasty who once fed all of China. My mother has inspired within me great heart. I will not rest until she has justice and is properly honored.
• Sincerely,
• Shawna 黃佩佩 Cupples