I got canned today

Feb 13, 2005 21:12

Yesterday, I was so mad at work, I cursed at a french fried onion ring.

I got fired today... But then I got rehired, so everything is ok. The reason for my firing was because I decided it was a good time for a cigarette break. So, I'm sitting there, behind Chuck Wagon, smoking, and Sal walks by and tells me he's tired of seeing me take so many breaks today, this was my second break. At 12. I took my first one at like 10:15. So, he tells me to get my things and go home. I told him, I'd go as soon as it died down a little and he gave me the dumbest look. Now I could have been an asshole and left while it was busy and made him wash dishes, but no. I decided to help out for the sake of Chuck Wagon.
I'm about to leave after it died down and he brings me out back. I didn't know if he was gonna punch me in the stomach and tell me to leave or what, but instead he gave me the "Your a real asset to Chuck Wagon" talk. Which I am. Modestly speaking.

I also threw up yesterday. Because I drank the night before :(

I'm out of stories, bye.
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