Jan 30, 2005 21:08
So, I've been working at Chuck Wagon, a western style diner, owned by an arabian. Work actually doesn't suck. Well I mean it sucks because I have to bust my ass every weekend, I don't get to sleep in and I have no energy to go out on Saturday nights. But still I'm making fucking money. So, fuck you.
Haha, theres this black cook named Abraham who had worked there before and when I started on Saturday he kept talking about how he hasn't been here in such a long time and how he was happy to be back. I said to Abraham, I says:
"Dude why are you happy to be back, where have you been?"
...And he goes...
"I stabbed my wife"
Buahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Score one for the home team.
I really have nothing to update about. I just like to see myself type, and take up the internets time. The internet is a dick.