Apr 12, 2006 08:11
OHHHH my gosh so tired. Got into bed last night at 1:30 this morning. The concert was extremely loud but awesome. I liked Crematorium, the best, the vocals where really good and the 18 year old drummer rocked!! Rudy was jubilant that he had a shirt signed by the guitar player of Decide. They came on at 12 last night, we only stayed for two songs. Lots of people showed up that I know threw Rudy so that was nice to see some of them. Before the show we stopped in at Moonlight Cafe on Jackson. Bamboo Garden was closed for vacation so we tried this joint out. It was pretty damn tasty I must say, the ambiance was not as appealing as Bamboo though. When we arrived home Alex left a message saying that I'm rated a 5 in pool now! 2 more rankings and I will be at the highest level. I sure don't feel like a 5, more than likely I will drop back down to a 4. I don't think it will happen by the end of this session, so maybe in the fall I will drop back down.
Alright now I'm off to try to survive the day. More coffee please.