Let's see if Sam's right...

Sep 28, 2005 11:07

A few upcoming possibilities
A major Astrological shift just occured in the Sidereal Zodiac with Jupiter entering Libra. Among other things this exposes the North Node to be much more dangerous as well as indicates weakening of the economic factors. In particular the North Node rules poisons - the possibilities of chemical / biological / radiation poisoning just increased.

Look for a major FLU season or new epidemic. Hopefully we will not have a biological poisoning event, but this is also a possibility. Especially starting at the end of October, Jupiter will enter the Star ruled by The North NOde and mars will be retrograde. Soon Followed by Saturn retrograde.

From now until Early October there is another major earthquake risk - starting thursday or friday.

Retro Mars will likely hurt real estate prices which could harm investments, there are some tough possibilities in the next few months starting any day now - no matter how you look at it. There is the possibility of a MAJOR economic downturn or crisis even a collapse --

28 Tue, September 27, 2005 - 11:35 PM new
Re: A few upcoming possibilities
hey sam, didn't juliana make a post about a rare flu epidemic that may surface this year on the vedic forum?
reply to this post

92 Tue, September 27, 2005 - 11:57 PM new
Re: A few upcoming possibilities
yes i think she did - she was mentioning some avian flu scare -

truthfully I am more concerned about poisoning right now, something from these floods and all of the potential for West Nile, or perhaps something else, or a terrorist event,, Rahu is really malefic now especially once ercury goes into Scorpio, where he will retrograde (Rahu AND soon Saturn's Nak. lord) Now that Jupiter has moved, he will soon be w/ DB Sun and in Rahu's nakshatra, Mars retro in DB Sun's Nakshatra, then Merc R in Scorp / Saturn R (in aslesha) an Mars retro - just some ugly looking stuff,, esp. compared to now w/ Venus is Libra, ex merc as lord of Sun, Jupiter is w/ Lord Venus -- A LOt is going to change in the next few weeks - month and none of it for the better.

10/1, the day before the eclipse, should be very interesting, Mars turns retro and exactly opposes Venus - then the next day Venus enters Scorpio AND the eclipse happens,, i think these few days could show another earthquake or something seismic - and if it happens, there will be losses,, perhaps a day or so after. -- 10/1-10/4

And a little something from the Yahoo site that I like:
Daily Cosmic Calendar
Provided by Astrology.com
By Mark Lerner for Astrology.com - The cosmos enters a quiescent period today - almost as if it is awaiting an explosion we know will arrive on Saturday when Mars reverses direction in Taurus and makes a powerful opposition to its traditional partner - Venus - moving through passionate and potentially volatile Scorpio. Everything is being set up for a weekend of extraordinary psychological fireworks and interpersonal upheavals. However, for the moment, you have an official, celestial ""timeout"" and break in the action. As mentioned in yesterday's calendar entry, the monthly Moon-Saturn conjunction in Leo happens at 12:36AM PDT. Make sure you avoid a bout with pessimism and even depression. This is a typical occurrence when the lunar orb locks into a union with the beautiful but often fear-producing ringed planet. Anytime Saturnian power increases, you should tap into a little Jupiterian levity, good humor and euphoria to balance things out. On a different note, your creative imagination and fantasy life are stirred around 1:30PM PDT when the Moon opposes Neptune. It's probably wise to keep a safe distance from delicate communications with loved ones, but you can have a field day in the fine or graphic arts. Photography, music, dance, drama, poetry, singing, chanting, tai chi and working with affirmations are all encouraged and supported. This is definitely reinforced later this evening as Mercury nears a flowing trine to Neptune (precise at 1:40AM PDT tomorrow). Dreams and visions may prove incredibly potent overnight.


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