May 28, 2006 22:16
Gah. I am just sick to my stomach right now. i hate feeling this way. i hate feeling bad about myself. obviously no one ever wants to feel this way and i can't stand it. i wish i didnt. i wish i could be happy with who i am and all that i've accomplished, but sometimes i can't bear to look at myself in the mirror and be content with what i see. i need reassurance, yes, this sounds stupid, but you know what?? sometimes i need the one person who loves me to see an updated picture of me and tell me i look pretty. not asking for much. it may seem stupid. it may seem needy and it may seem very insecure. well gosh darnit, who cares! i'm lonely right now. very very lonely. this has been the hardest few weeks. i am having such a difficult time with it, why? i don't know. i just am. work is very stressful and i'm fighting some kind of virus so i'm on meds that knock me out and make me really tired at night or i have to take a nap after work. i just need a hug. i need to know that everything is going to turn out right. i need that reassurance. i need to feel like even though the sky may be falling that you will be there to protect me from getting hurt. i'm sorry. i'm lonely. i need you.
sorry for the rant, i needed to get it out...didn't mean to bother/offend anyone.