Jun 16, 2006 14:42
Hey all... just an update of my day!
Went o school till 8:25am it was our LAST DAY!!!!
extra happy bout that! From school me Jessie Lynn n Lizzer went to MacD. got brunchish lol
then from there we went to Roosevelt Mall and Liz didnt want to be in her store asap (10am) so we stalked Verison until it opened! lol these girls are CRAZii
Anyways it ended up that Me Jess n Liz used Liz' 30% disscount Me n Liz used it twice and then my mom got in on it lol for a third time round haha
s0o0 i got this new star top [for Eric's party tonight] Knee shorts ((plaid)) two new SUMMER jackets [b&&w] and a CHOCOLATE shirt! then i got Lara something since she is leaving us for lucky Germany!
anyway today was good n im hoping tonight will be an awesome ending
wow i do have to say that this entry is ALOT less emo then the rest of mine! lol
So the rest of my summer plans SO FAR look like::
next week [[starting sunday]]
sunday--> fathers day... going to Grandpop's (Cindy's dad) for a family partyish thing then staying at dads n starting to house sit
1:house sitting consist of= walking dogs, feeding dogs cats n hermit crab, and washing the hermitcrab also for one week
2: the place im house sitting is next door to my dads
Mon--> Babysitting my cousent Kelly at my Grammy's (moms mom) house then back to house sit for a bit
Tue--> mom wants to go to the beach and demands i find someone to house sit till dinner
Wed--> House sitting n hanging out at dads staying over
Thur--> same as wed staying at dads
Fri--> same as wed
Sat--> same as wed
Sun--> they come home n im done =]
July 1st--> Kevin's Grad. Party
July 7th--> Rasheed n Mari's B.DAY
July 8th--> Amanda n Jay's Grad Party
July 11th--> Lindsey's 22nd B.DAY
July 12th-->((wed.)) MY 17th BIRTHDAY
July 14th--> Alex Williams B.DAY
July 15th-22nd--> Beach with mom && hopefully ST can get her mom to say YES!
s0o0o thats bout it... SO FAR! lol