033 ;;

Oct 23, 2008 20:13

[Thanks to the assistance of Tear and The Dark Woman, replica!Raine has been practicing healing abilities for a little while, if only becoming attuned to the fact she has this ability, and the only thing really hindering her is her nervousness, but that's been getting better. Why, that's her on the second level now, accidently, sitting near some wilting grass and flowers, holding her hands over them and trying to encourage them to turn healthy once more.

Of course, being rather absorbed in that activity, Raine hasn't yet noticed that her usual clothing has been swapped for a rather revealing bunny girl outfit, since her eyes are closed and she's a bit distracted with what she's doing for the moment. And trying hard not to think of exploding people, since that was traumatizing.]

i'm a healer?, halloween plot

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