Jun 10, 2005 16:04
I feel like fucking crap..literaly..yeah Chik Fella sucks ass..and I won't be eating there again..fucking Chicken does nothing more then sends your stomach into a never ending whirlpool of pain :-x
Anyways went into work today..at like 11:30 and got off at like ten after two or some shit..pretty pointless to go in..but I was feeling kinda like well..shit anyway..and everyone else needed the hours so I said fuck it..and just left..I wasn't about to name as many Capitals as I can just to stay and work..
I took Kori's shift tomarrow anyway..so that will bring in a few extra hours..and make up for today..hoping I can get off early though so I can check the show at 1123..all I really want to see is Step on it..and This is Hell..cause they are pretty good bands..Disregard to..but Regardless I won't get off in time to see them becasue they are opening..most likley..
Anyways shits been weird..too fucking weird..my mind mid as well be a fucking mary-go-round..cause some shit I just can't stop thinking about..I don't know how to come about handling it..some shit I just don't get..some I understand completly..others..mid as well be the twilight zone..yeah just felt like venting that..
Don't know whats going on tonight..maybe I will go home and sleep..heh doubtful but you never know..tried called Pats ass on break but his phone was off..which means he was probably sleeping..which is good for him..
Anyways I'm out..Bane is Wed...all I can say there..is fuck yeah..