Apr 20, 2016 01:54
Not sure if things are alive around here, but here goes:
there was this fic about Cook and Archie, a bonding fic, you know, the sort of world context where people imprint on other people, and Archie did imprint on Cook I think during the finale, like before the last song or something? Maybe less last minute than that... After that it was the usual surprised reaction and the what-are-we-gonna-do, and things slowly settling. The thing I mostly remember from it was Archie's father getting angry and being suspicious this had been encouraged by Cook to ensure his way up? And not being very happy when things started to settle between the guys.
I was sure I had saved it, but I can't find it anymore. And it's not Astolat's "real forever if", even if it sounds similar :/ Does that ring a bell for anyone?
pairing: archie/cook