[ooc / rift] all about dan's riftpower

Aug 23, 2009 20:13

Transuniversal Remote Viewing and You
A Handy Dandy Guide to Daniel Faraday's Riftpower

Remote Viewing
Remote viewing is a form of extrasensory perception similar to clairvoyance. Typically, remote viewing is a service provided by psychics in which an object is used to establish a psychic link between the medium and another person, oftentimes missing or deceased. Other people who practice remote viewing may use their power to gather information about a distant object or event without any use of a link. Dan's power is more geared toward the latter use, but it's not exactly the same.

How Dan's Power Works
Dan is something of a human security camera. He's able to place his consciousness anywhere at any point in time as long as it is a past event or something currently happening. He isn't able to establish links between people or objects; instead, he sees events as though he's standing right there, through his own eyes, as they unfold. He can search for people or objects if asked, but it takes a high degree of concentration and drains him both physically and mentally. The further the target, the more energy it takes. It's most difficult for him to witness events in other worlds (this is what we mean by 'transuniversal').

  • Dan doesn't have complete control over his power. If he's in a high-stress situation or in an extremely emotional state, his mind is liable to literally wander away from him, to another place or point in time. It's something of a defense mechanism.
  • He's extremely susceptible to psychic attack and manipulation, especially while he's using his power. He has no psychic barrier of any kind, so it wouldn't be difficult for another psychic to harness his power for their own use.
  • As stated above, it drains him. After using his power for a prolonged amount of time (more than a half hour), he suffers side effects of fatigue, forgetfulness, and headaches. These usually subside within an hour.
  • Psychic interference. See the next section!
Psychic Interference
In areas where psychic activity is high, such as inside the Kashtta, it's more difficult for Dan to see things. It's kind of like trying to make out the images through the snow on the cable channels you don't have, but he's getting better at it with time. He cannot see through areas that have been psychically blocked, however.

Psychic Links
At some point, Dan may be able to psychically "link up" with others. This hasn't happened yet, though, so I am not going to explain it. (...since it hasn't happened yet, I don't actually have an explanation. So there.)

[game] rift, [ooc] psa

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