Naomi Novik: Empire of Ivory --- I love dragons, Jane Austen and tales from the Napoleonic Wars at sea - in other words, Naomi Novik's books are perfect for me. This latest installment was as good as expected, and with such a cliffhanger I can hardly wait for the next.
Stein Morten Lier: Catch
Torkil Damhaug: Flykt, måne
Laurell K. Hamilton et al.: Bite --- Hamilton's short story in this book is in particular very good, and it reminded me of why I really used to like her Anita Blake books, being not too happy with the direction the series has taken.
Susanna Clarke: The Ladies of Grace Adieu --- Short stories from the author of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell. Very, very good in my opinion - in particular, she manages to portray the interaction between Faërie and "our world" in a very interesting way, something often lacking in such stories, like in the film Stardust (though not at all in the book that the film is based on). One of Clarke's stories is even set in the same world as Stardust.
Karin Alvtegen: Saknad --- Nydelig svensk kriminalroman med et litt uvanlig perspektiv, siden hovedpersonen en kvinne som lever som uteligger. Anbefales!!
Ismail Kadare: The File on H --- This was a fantastic book (from Albania), both beautiful and funny, about two researchers who travel to rural Albania in the 1930's to find connections between Homer and the still-living oral traditions of story-telling. It raises interesting and sad issues concerning how such traditions work and how they have been disappearing throughout the twentieth century.