Title: Leap of Faith
Characters/Pairing: Jeremy and Juliet
Word Count: 110
Rating: G
Summary: Juliet trusts Jeremy without question.
Notes: Written for
Disclaimer: I don't own Dirty Sexy Money - it belongs to the writers, who are on strike. Support the strike so we can continue to have this awesome show. ^^
Juliet trusts Jeremy, absolutely, without question.
She probably should have learned better, long ago. It's not that he doesn't try to live up to her expectations, because he does, as hard as he can. It's that no matter how he tries, he's going to come up short.
It never stops her.
Once, when they were six, Juliet was standing halfway up the stairs, Jeremy at the bottom, and he called to her, held his arms out, told her to jump and he'd catch her. She jumped, and landed on him, and they both broke their arms, ending up with matching casts.
And she still jumps, whenever he asks her to.