Title: Bruises
Characters/Pairing: Dana/Natalie
Word Count: 158
Rating: G
Summary: There's no way Dana could get the turkey onto the light grid unscathed.
Notes: Plotbunny thanks to
starletfallen. Set during or shortly after "Thespis".
Disclaimer: I am not Aaron Sorkin, I do not own Sports Night, Natalie, or Dana. Or a frozen turkey on the light grid.
Natalie frowned at Dana's legs, tilting her head to one side. Dana raised her eyebrows, waiting for Natalie to ask whatever question was on her mind. It was Natalie, it would come out eventually.
"Yes, Natalie?"
"Where'd you get that bruise?"
Dana looked down, and then crossed her legs calmly. "What bruise?"
"The bruise the size of Texas on your shin, Dana? It's not even purple, it's... violet!"
"I... I fell. It's not a big deal."
"You fell? What, down a whole bunch of stairs?"
"As a matter of fact, no. I was trying to get up to the lighting grid."
"You were trying to... the turkey."
"You were trying to get the turkey on the lighting grid, and you hurt yourself."
"Yes." Natalie paused, nodding thoughtfully. Dana sighed and asked, "Are we done with this now?"
Natalie at last looked up to Dana's face. "Do you want me to kiss it and make it better?"