Title: Ignition Keys
Characters/Pairing: Dan, Casey and Jeremy
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: This is what men do.
Notes: Written for a
writing_game prompt. You may also be interested in
Ignition Keys (The Get This Party Started Remix) by
lady_smith, a remix of this fic written for
Disclaimer: I am not Aaron Sorkin. The boobs should give that away.
"What's he looking for?"
Dan watched as Jeremy criss-crossed the studio, with a smirk Casey recognized as Dan's "trying not to laugh" face. "Who, Jeremy?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Looking for ignition keys."
"He lost his keys in the studio?"
"No, the ignition keys for the cameras."
"The ignition keys for the- That doesn't even make sense!"
Danny glanced over at Casey, with a grin Casey would have classified as "devious" had anyone asked him. "It really doesn't. But he's looking."
Casey stared at him for a moment, then shook his head slowly. "You're evil, you know that?"
"Thank you."