Title: The Limits of Friendship
Characters/Pairing: Collins, Benny, Mark and Roger
Word Count: 448
Rating: PG
Summary: It's just one of those things best friends don't do.
Notes: Written for
fanfic100 prompt #68.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Benny tripped, stepping out of his room in the dark - over Roger's shoes, no less. Why Roger's shoes were lying in front of his door was a question he didn't bother asking. He was more preoccupied with not doing a faceplant on the floor. A moment later, Mark and Roger emerged from their room, looking both confused and annoyed. Outside, lightning flashed, followed by a roll of thunder. Collins, sitting on the couch, was momentarily silhouetted by the electric-white light through the window.
"The power's out," he commented, when none of them had said anything.
Roger rolled his eyes and flopped on the couch beside him. "No shit, Sherlock. We know you're a fucking genius, but that one was pretty obvious to all of us."
"Hey, Roger," Benny said as he walked across the room, having recovered his balance, "we know you're a fucking asshole, but you don't have to prove it to us. That one was pretty obvious."
It was dark, but Benny was fairly sure that Roger was flipping him off.
"And now we have nothing to do," Mark said from the kitchen, over the sound of opening drawers and rattling things around.
"What were you doing before?" Collins asked.
"Well... nothing, really. But with lights on!"
"We don't have any candles," Benny said, "if that's what you're looking for."
Mark sighed and closed the drawer he was searching through.
"We could make out," Roger offered, looking over his shoulder at Mark. Mark's expression was entirely unreadable in the dark, but Benny made a face.
"Dude. He's your best friend."
"So you don't do that with your best friend!"
"Oh, please," Roger snorted. "It happens to everyone. You're bored, and it just sort of... You've never made out with Collins?"
"No!" Benny and Collins said at once.
Mark sighed softly. "I kind of wish you hadn't mentioned we have..."
Roger rolled his eyes and ignored Mark. "Seriously. Why not?"
"Because." Benny eyed Collins. "He's my best friend."
"You said that," Roger commented, grinning. "So?"
Collins answered calmly, "I wouldn't kiss Benny if you paid me a hundred dollars."
Benny considered. "Well... Maybe for a hundred dollars..." He saw the flat look Collins leveled at him and amended quickly, "No. Um, no. There are... limits."
"Twenty dollars," Mark said.
"That's less than a hundred," Benny pointed out.
"No, but now I'm actually interested and I'm offering you twenty dollars to make out."
Collins glanced over, eyebrows raised. "Are you really that bored?"
"Sadly, yes."
After a moment's thought, Collins shook his head firmly and said, "A hundred dollars or nothing."