Apr 04, 2007 12:16

Title: So This Is Love
Characters/Pairing: Dan/Natalie
Word Count: 127
Rating: G
Summary: Dan keeps trying to explain it...
Notes: Written for rat_jam prompt Dan/Natalie, dizzy.
Disclaimer: I do not own the show or any of the characters. I do this for fun.

Dan keeps trying to explain it - to Casey, who's tired of it, to Dana, who alternates between flustered-and-not-listening to flustered-and-somewhat-bemused, to Isaac, who really doesn't care (or pretends not to), to the crew, whose reactions range from thinking he's kind of cute (Kim) to looking at him like he's a little crazy (Will). He's been trying to explain it to basically everyone but Natalie, because telling her would just be embarrassing, but...

It's hard to believe he's never felt like this with anyone before, he's never really loved anyone this much, so much he smiles just because she's in the room, so much her voice gives his heart a little jolt, so much her kiss leaves his head spinning, every time.

fandom: sports night, character: sn: dan rydell, character: sn: natalie hurley, pairing: sn: dan/natalie, for: comm: rat_jam

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