BUFFY: Wish and Want

Apr 04, 2007 12:11

Title: Wish and Want
Characters/Pairing: Buffy/Willow
Word Count: 134
Rating: G
Summary: Willow almost wishes for a goodnight kiss when Buffy says goodbye...
Notes: Written for rat_jam prompt Buffy/Willow, goodnight.
Disclaimer: I do not own the show or any of the characters. I do this for fun.

Willow knows she's not a Slayer or anything, but she likes to think sometimes she's more or less capable of taking care of herself. Still, when Buffy offers to walk her home after a late night of research, she feels infinitely better. She's not scared (well, maybe a little), but that extra security doesn't hurt, and she walks as close to Buffy as she can get, their shoulders occasionally bumping into each other.

When they stop at Willow's front door, Willow wishes inexplicably that Buffy would kiss her goodnight - which is silly, they were out researching serious demon stuff, not on a date ,and it's Buffy, not some boy or anything. Still, the wish is there.

She'll have to make do with a quick wave and a "See you tomorrow."

fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, character: btvs: willow rosenberg, character: btvs: buffy summers, for: comm: rat_jam, pairing: btvs: buffy/willow

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