Title: Out for Coffee
Characters/Pairing: Danny and Luther (the Man), mention of Matt
Word Count: 437
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Danny told Matt he was headed out for coffee.
Notes: Written for
blank_stares for a meme-thing. I'm kind of fudging the timeline, given that Rent and Studio 60 are ten years apart. Also, don't ask me why Danny is in New York. Just go with it. (Also, Katie, you're a bitch. That is all.)
Disclaimer: I do not own Rent, Studio 60, or any of the characters from either. ...I do have a packet of smack from Luther, though.
Danny had told Matt when he left the hotel he was out to get some coffee, and Matt had waved him off distractedly, deep in whatever he was writing at the moment, and Danny didn't know why he bothered when Matt would probably not even notice that he wouldn't come back to the hotel all night, because once Matt got started on a project like this the real world didn't seem to matter all that much to him. So there he was in the park, shifting a little and pressing his hands for warmth to the sides of the styrofoam cup of coffee he'd bought from some street vendor, not because he particularly wanted coffee, but because buying it would mean he hadn't lied to Matt, exactly.
Danny caught sight of a young man with white-blond hair in a thick jacket, his hands shoved in his pockets. Almost as soon as Danny looked at him, the man looked over and lifted his chin in a quick, barely visible gesture Danny wouldn't have noticed had he not been looking for it. He hesitated, and then walked over slowly, casually.
"You looking for something?" the man asked, and Danny couldn't help but notice the peculiar clipped way he spoke, as if he were biting off every word as soon as it had made its way past his teeth. It was strange and jarring, and set Danny a little on edge, but he nodded nonetheless. He looked down, and there in the man's hand was a packet of white powder, held out just a little. Danny paused again, thinking, oddly, not so much about how much it would disappoint his wife but about how much it would disappoint Matt, but even that thought didn't override the itching burning need for something, and so he quickly shifted his coffee to one hand and dug in his pocket for the cash, slipped it into the man's hand and received the packet in turn.
Danny tucked it into his hand, curling his fingers around it. The man gave him a slight, sardonic smile that set Danny's teeth on edge, made him want to get away from him as quickly as possible - somehow, instead, he managed a vague and insincere smile in response, turned slowly on his heel, and walked away. Not back to the hotel, not back to Matt, but to somewhere he could disappear for a few hours, didn't matter where as long as no one knew him there.
Belatedly, after he'd made it out of the park, he took a sip of his coffee. It was cold already.