SPORTS NIGHT: Special Powers

Oct 27, 2006 21:58

Title: Special Powers
Characters/Pairing: Dan/Natalie
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Dan's familiar with the white dress shirts.
Notes: Pre-SN, OMG! ...Uh, yeah. Get-well drabble for soscaredtolove.
Disclaimer: Still not Aaron Sorkin. Will get back to you if that ever changes.

Dan had to wonder, as he woke up only to find that the bed was empty and he could hear Natalie moving around in the living room, why on earth Natalie was always up so ridiculously early.

When he finally got the energy to get up, he found Natalie in the kitchen, making coffee and... wearing...

"That's my shirt."

"Yeah!" she said brightly. "I didn't have anything to change into so I just grabbed one of your shirts... You don't mind, do you?"

Looking at her, Dan found himself at a rare loss for words. "Uh... no. Not at all."

fandom: sports night, character: sn: dan rydell, character: sn: natalie hurley, pairing: sn: dan/natalie

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