Title: Much Crazier Than...
Feedback: Will make me love you muchly.
Characters/Pairing: Natalie, Diana, Dan, Gabriel
Word Count: 236
Rating: PG
Summary: "Normal" is a foreign concept for Natalie.
Disclaimer: Feeling Electric is not mine. Which is really too bad, because it's fucking awesome.
Natalie never had any imaginary friends when she was little. Her mother had that pretty well covered, after all. It took a while for her to grasp exactly what was wrong, but it didn't take her long at all to realize something wasn't normal either, whatever her father might like to pretend.
The wrong was there, in the light Natalie could see under her bedroom door when she woke up in the middle of the night-Mom not sleeping again. It was in the emergency stash of Pop Rocks hidden in the back of the cabinet. It was in the faint disquiet in Dad's eyes when Mom told her to go outside and play with her brother, the forced brightness of his smile. It was in the conversations her mother would hold with thin air as if it were the most natural thing in the world. It was in the bedroom just down the hall from Natalie's, filled with things for a baby boy but always empty.
Natalie never got the chance to have an imaginary friend, or any of the things normal kids did as a matter of course. Normal, for Natalie, was almost a foreign concept. Even before she knew the meaning of terms like "bipolar", "delusional", "dysfunction", there was one thing Natalie did know. Even when she was little, Natalie knew craziness was just a hair's breadth, a stray thought, a heartbeat away.