Title: Remembrance
Characters/Pairing: Tenth Doctor & the Master
Word Count: 100
Rating: Worksafe
Summary: The Master asks him about the Time War sometimes...
Notes: Written for
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and all characters belong to the BBC. I am not affiliated with the BBC, and am not making any money from this.
The Master asks him about the Time War sometimes, about how it ended. The Doctor never replies, refuses to even look him in the eye, and when the Master's tired of snarling questions and never getting answers, he grows quiet. He sends everyone else out of the room, sprawls in the nearest chair, and starts talking about Gallifrey before the war, about the two of them, so long ago.
The Doctor can't ever tell if that's nostalgia or disdain in his tone, or whether the Master hates him or envies him, that he was the one to watch it burn.