Title: Predestination
Characters/Pairing: Tenth Doctor/River
Word Count: 100
Rating: Worksafe
Summary: ...he thinks, I can't do this again...
Notes: Written for
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and all characters belong to the BBC. I am not affiliated with the BBC, and am not making any money from this.
When she pulls him into a hug, he goes absolutely still, startled by the gesture - maybe it's just because the last time he was this close to anyone was the last time, catching Donna before she hit the floor of the TARDIS, and he's lost track of the time since then.
River releases him and steps back, but her hand lingers on his cheek, and he recognizes that sympathy, that fond, sad smile. Even as he leans slightly into the touch, he thinks, I can't do this again, but remembers, before he can speak, that he already has, will, is.