Title: Children
Characters/Pairing: Jack, Ianto
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: "Do you know what it's like losing a child, Captain Harkness?"
Notes: Written for
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all characters belong to the BBC. I am not affiliated with the BBC, and am not making any money from this.
"Do you know what it's like losing a child, Captain Harkness?" the woman asked, tears still wet on her cheeks. She sounded calm; he knew she wasn't. No one would be, after being told her daughter wasn't her daughter, and there was nothing they could do to fix it.
He didn't respond at first. He just thought of drawer after drawer of bodies labeled with familiar names, floors that had been drenched and cleaned of blood more times than he could count, the meaning of "death by Torchwood".
"Yes," he answered, and pretended not to notice Ianto's startled glance.