DOCTOR WHO/TORCHWOOD: Next Stop Everywhere

Feb 03, 2009 02:37

Title: Next Stop Everywhere
Characters/Pairing: Jack, his coral baby!TARDIS, mention of the Doctor
Word Count: 350
Rating: PG
Summary: She wants to fly, and Jack wants to feel alive. They're practically made for each other.
Notes: Written for the drabble fest at blue_box_love. Someone requested Jack's coral TARDIS' maiden voyage. Set at some point in the far, far future. Slight warning for self-harm, blood and death, but it's Jack. Those things aren't quite the same when it comes to him.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who, Torchwood, and all characters belong to the BBC. I am not affiliated with the BBC, and am not making any money from this.

She was silent. He never remembered the Doctor's TARDIS being quiet, before. She was always humming, always alive, just beyond the reach of his understanding but so very alive.

Nothing hummed, nothing glowed, nothing moved. She was silent. She was dead.

Maybe he was missing something, some ancient Time Lord secret he had no hope of guessing. Maybe no TARDIS grown away from the orange skies of Gallifrey could ever truly live.

Or maybe... Maybe she only needed a jolt, a point in the right direction, a spark. A little life, and he had that in spades.

He went away, and came back with a knife. He opened his veins, and watched as the blood fell to her dark, rough-carved floor. Vortex energy sparked and gleamed as it hit the floor, or maybe just behind his eyes as he died.


He can feel her. She's humming, in his head and in his blood, impossible to ignore, and now it sounds like a heartbeat, and now like distant singing, and then she's throbbing once more in time with the beat of his heart.

He wonders if this was what it was like with the Doctor, understands now the affection with which he'd look at that little blue box, run his hands over the controls, talk to her like an old, old friend...

She's so young. Young and full of life and energy and she reminds Jack now what it was like to feel that way. She's timeless, understands the years Jack has watched pass by and will weather all of the rest of history with him. And she wants to fly, to be anywhere but here and now for the simple reason that she can.

Jack strokes the controls - rudimentary, nothing as wonderfully advanced as the Doctor's TARDIS, but all his - for just a moment, and then keys in a series of commands. She takes off, Jack gripping the controls so as not to fall over, and he laughs as the two of them hurtle through the Vortex together, into anywhere.

character: dw: jack harkness, fandom: doctor who/torchwood

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