BEYOND THE RIFT: Object Permanence

Sep 13, 2008 02:31

Title: Object Permanence
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Jack, mention of Maya and Torchwood
Word Count: 186
Rating: PG
Summary: Sam is not good with constants.
Notes: Written for kawaiispinel for the alphabet meme, the request being "permanent" and Sam and Jack.
Disclaimer: Sam and Jack belong to the BBC. The Rift eats souls and destroys happiness. Trufax.

Sam is not good with constants. He's had his whole world change too many times to get too comfortable with anything being permanent. He still half expects a Rift to open any day and pull him into yet another world, even more unfamiliar than this one.

But some things are supposed to be permanent, so much so that they've settled in his mind without his notice. Lying hurts, unless it's him. Disaster follows him, especially when he steps outside. Jack doesn't die, not really, not forever.

He's heard all the stories of Torchwood before the Rift, picked up here and there from one person or another. He knows this has happened before. Three days, the last time, and it's been longer than that, but even so, he finds himself passing by the morgue a couple times a day, just waiting. He used to do that with Maya, but that was different. It's not grieving this time. It's waiting.

He has to come back, because that's the way this world works. Sam has so few things he knows are constant, he can't afford to lose one.

fandom: beyond the rift, pairing: rift: sam/jack, character: rift: jack harkness, for: meme, character: rift: sam tyler

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